Award Winning NOGS Tour of Hidden Gardens
For nearly 50 years, the Garden Club of Savannah (GCS) has been putting 100% volunteer effort into the annual NOGS Tour of Hidden Gardens fundraiser in Savannah. During the past three years the money raised has been used to award over $175,000 in grants to local nonprofits for beautification, environmental and educational projects. The club was given an award of Special Achievement by the Oleander District of the State of Georgia. We couldn’t have done it without the help of business partners and sponsors including the Savannah Chamber of Commerce and @VisitSavannah.
The next tour will be held April 25 & 26, 2025.
This year’s theme is Savannah’s Gardens: Pieces of our lives and places of the heart
We are tying the pieces of our lives and places of the heart in gardening with the storytelling medium of quilting.
The Garden Club of Savannah funds the NOGS Tour and our grant projects through your support. Business partners come in many forms. You can contribute a check, time, talent, discounts or products. Our marketing team has a package just for you. We want you to become part of NOGS success and impact the community by contributing to beautification, education and conservation projects in Chatham County. We would like to graciously thank the business partners listed below for their generous contribution to our NOGS Tour of Hidden Gardens. The funds and in-kind donations received help area nonprofits with environmental education and beautification projects in our community.
Please support these fine local businesses and consider contributing to our tour.
2024 Grant Award Recipients:
Ronald McDonald House King-Tisdell Cottage Family Promise of the Coastal Empire Fresh Air Home America’s Second Harvest Friends of Oatland Island Massie Heritage Center Colonial Dames (Veteran’s Tiny House Project), Savannah Tree Foundation Coastal Master Gardeners (Bonaventure Cemetery beautification) Savannah Botanical Gardens Savannah Arts Academy Tharros Place Several local public elementary schools A.B. Williams Elementary School Garrison School for Visual and Performing Arts Bonaventure Cemetery Beautification Urban Hope Loop It Up Tybee Marine Science Center
We'd like to recognize our 2024 Sponsors: